Vincent Banek's, Personal Website
Vincent Banek's Personal Website
Welcome this is the website where I place my blog and other
personal projects and public info.
As you can see this is quite a simple website and use's primarlly
preformated text the same type of text you may find in a .txt file
this has nothing to do with age or skill I love simplicity,
efficency and consciency and preformated text offers all 3 of these.
My favorate Anime is Neon Genisis Evangelion
I find Ritsuko Akagi Really inspiring I call her a Biocomputer Engineer
eventhough she is so much more.
At the time of writing this I am studying Computer Enginnering at The New York Collage For Technology (City Tech).
and I am contemplating persuing biology in the future. Possibly trying real life
equivelents of her experiments.
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